"Notes": "Songs on this CD:\r\n\r\nGood enough\r\nWhy can't this be love\r\nGet up\r\nDreams\r\nSummer Nights\r\nBest of both worlds\r\nLove walks in\r\n\"5150\"\r\nInside\r\n\r\nNotice that since I've entered all of the song titles in here, I'll later be able to search by NOTES for a particular song. Cool, huh?\r\n"
"MainID": 2,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:01",
"Title": "7/8\" Cresent Wrench",
"Artist": "Craftsman",
"Category": "Inventory, Home",
"Media Type": "Tool",
"Catalog Number": "tool-1",
"Media Date": "01/01/87 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 5.95,
"Personal Rating": 10,
"Location": "second drawer",
"Times Borrowed": 6,
"Notes": "Lifetime warranty.\r\n\r\n*This is a good example of another type of item that AML could keep track of for you! AML is an excellent home/work inventory control!\r\n"
"MainID": 3,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:01",
"Title": "7th Guest",
"Artist": "Virgin Games",
"Category": "GAME - Puzzle",
"Media Type": "CD-ROM",
"Catalog Number": "cd-123",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 20,
"Personal Rating": 10,
"Location": "cd shelf",
"Times Borrowed": 0,
"Notes": "Great CD-ROM game! I just don't have it handy and I can't remember who makes it and I'm not gonna guess because the company would probably sue my pants off.\r\n\r\n"
"MainID": 4,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:01",
"Title": "90125",
"Artist": "Yes",
"Category": "MUSIC - Rock",
"Media Type": "Audio CD",
"Catalog Number": "90125",
"Media Date": "01/01/83 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 10,
"Personal Rating": 10,
"Location": "cd shelf",
"Times Borrowed": 1,
"Notes": "Owner of a lonely heart\r\nHold on\r\nIt can happen\r\nChanges\r\nCinema\r\nLeave it\r\nOur Song\r\nCity of love\r\nHearts"
"MainID": 5,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:01",
"Title": "AML Source Code",
"Artist": "ME",
"Category": "Software - Backup",
"Media Type": "Disk, ZIP",
"Catalog Number": "23549",
"Media Date": "03/01/95 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 0,
"Personal Rating": 10,
"Location": "Lower Left drawer",
"Times Borrowed": 2,
"Notes": "Drawer is locked\r\n\r\nNeed key\r\n\r\n"
"MainID": 6,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:01",
"Title": "Apogee '82",
"Artist": "Loch Raven Senior High School",
"Category": "GENERAL - Memorabilia",
"Media Type": "Yearbook",
"Catalog Number": "yb-82",
"Media Date": "01/01/82 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 20,
"Personal Rating": 10,
"Location": "book shelf",
"On Loan To": "George Cornbuckles",
"Loan Date": "10/16/98 18:36:27",
"Due Back Date": "10/22/98 00:00:00",
"Times Borrowed": 2,
"Notes": "First year of high school. This yearbook is cool to look at. Tons of people wrote in this one.\r\n\r\nThis is a GOOD example of picking your own MEDIA TYPE. Great when searching by media type for quick access to my yearbooks."
"MainID": 7,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:01",
"Title": "Apogee '83",
"Artist": "Loch Raven Senior High School",
"Category": "GENERAL - Memorabilia",
"Media Type": "Yearbook",
"Catalog Number": "yb-83",
"Media Date": "01/01/83 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 20,
"Personal Rating": 9,
"Location": "book shelf",
"Times Borrowed": 4,
"Notes": "Sophmore year. I just realized that this one isn't even mine. Its got the name Chris in it."
"MainID": 8,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:01",
"Title": "Apogee '85",
"Artist": "Loch Raven Senior High School",
"Category": "GENERAL - Memorabilia",
"Media Type": "Yearbook",
"Catalog Number": "yb-85",
"Media Date": "01/01/85 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 20,
"Personal Rating": 8,
"Location": "book shelf",
"On Loan To": "Marty Stewart",
"Loan Date": "11/28/98 12:02:31",
"Due Back Date": "11/28/98 00:00:00",
"Times Borrowed": 3,
"Notes": "My last year of high school. My picture really bites in this one.\r\n"
"MainID": 9,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:01",
"Title": "Balance",
"Artist": "Van Halen",
"Category": "MUSIC - Rock",
"Media Type": "Audio CD",
"Catalog Number": "45760",
"Media Date": "02/14/95 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 10,
"Personal Rating": 10,
"Location": "CD Rack",
"Times Borrowed": 1,
"Notes": "Great Album. Like Eddies new dew....\r\n\r\nThe Seventh Seal\r\nCan't Stop Lovin You\r\nDon't Tell Me(what love can do)\r\nAmsterdam\r\nBig Fat Money\r\nStrung Out\r\nNot Enough\r\nAftershock\r\nDoin' Time\r\nBaluchitherium\r\nTake Me Back(Deja'vu)\r\nFeelin'"
"MainID": 10,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:01",
"Title": "Beauty and the Beast",
"Artist": "Linda Hamilton / Ron Perlman",
"Category": "GENERAL - Drama/Love story",
"Media Type": "Video Tape",
"Catalog Number": "02430",
"Media Date": "01/01/89 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 10,
"Industry Rating": "G",
"Personal Rating": 7,
"Location": "video drawer 2",
"Times Borrowed": 0,
"Notes": "The movie that spawned the T.V. series"
"MainID": 11,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:01",
"Title": "Best of Van Halen Volume I",
"Artist": "Van Halen",
"Category": "MUSIC - Rock",
"Media Type": "Audio CD",
"Catalog Number": "093624633228",
"Media Date": "01/01/96 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 15,
"Personal Rating": 10,
"Location": "CD tower",
"Times Borrowed": 1,
"Notes": "Songs:\r\n\r\nEruption\r\nAin't talkin about love\r\nRunnin with the devil\r\nDance the night away\r\nAnd the cradle will rock\r\nUnchained\r\nJump\r\nPanama\r\nWhy can't this be love\r\nDreams\r\nWhen It's love\r\nPoundcake\r\nRight now\r\nCan't stop loving you\r\nHumans being\r\nCan't get this stuff no more*\r\nMe wise magic*\r\n\r\n*New songs with Diamond Dave Lee!"
"MainID": 12,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:01",
"Title": "Big Generator",
"Artist": "Yes",
"Category": "MUSIC - Rock",
"Media Type": "Audio CD",
"Catalog Number": "90522",
"Media Date": "01/01/87 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 10,
"Personal Rating": 9,
"Location": "cd shelf",
"Times Borrowed": 4,
"Notes": "Rythm of love\r\nBig generator\r\nShoot high aim low\r\nAlmost like love\r\nlove will find a way\r\nFinal eyes\r\nI'm running\r\nHoly lamb\r\n"
"MainID": 13,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:01",
"Title": "Boston",
"Artist": "Boston",
"Category": "MUSIC - Rock",
"Media Type": "Audio CD",
"Catalog Number": "34188",
"Media Date": "01/01/76 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 11.92,
"Personal Rating": 10,
"Location": "cd shelf",
"On Loan To": "Larry Parks",
"Loan Date": "11/28/98 12:02:56",
"Due Back Date": "11/27/98 00:00:00",
"Times Borrowed": 6,
"Notes": "Songs:\r\n\r\nMore than a feeling\r\nPeace of mind\r\nForeplay/Long time\r\nRock & roll band\r\nsmokin'\r\nhitch a ride\r\nSomething about you\r\nLet me take you home tonight\r\n"
"MainID": 14,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:01",
"Title": "Chronicles",
"Artist": "Rush",
"Category": "MUSIC - Rock",
"Media Type": "Audio CD",
"Catalog Number": "838936",
"Media Date": "01/01/90 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 9,
"Personal Rating": 10,
"Location": "cd shelf",
"Times Borrowed": 1,
"Notes": "2 CD set of Rush's previous greatest"
"MainID": 15,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:01",
"Title": "Classics, Styx",
"Artist": "Styx",
"Category": "MUSIC - Rock",
"Media Type": "Audio CD",
"Catalog Number": "12513",
"Media Date": "01/01/87 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 11,
"Personal Rating": 10,
"Location": "cd shelf",
"On Loan To": "George Cornbuckles",
"Loan Date": "10/09/98 20:26:46",
"Due Back Date": "10/13/98 00:00:00",
"Times Borrowed": 2,
"Notes": "Babe\r\nBlue collar man\r\nCome sail away\r\nCrystal ball\r\nFooling yourself\r\nLight up\r\nMr. Roboto\r\nRenegade\r\nThe best of times\r\nDon't let it end\r\nThe grand illusion\r\nSuite madame blue\r\nToo much time on my hands\r\nMiss America\r\n"
"MainID": 16,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:01",
"Title": "Classics, Triumph",
"Artist": "Triumph",
"Category": "MUSIC - Rock",
"Media Type": "Audio CD",
"Catalog Number": "22283",
"Media Date": "01/01/89 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 11,
"Personal Rating": 10,
"Location": "cd shelf",
"Times Borrowed": 2,
"Notes": "Tears in the rain\r\nHold on\r\nLive for the weekend\r\nMagic power\r\nFollow your heart\r\nA world of fantasy\r\nFight the good fight\r\nSpellbound\r\nSomebody's out there\r\nLay it on the line\r\nRock and Roll machine\r\n"
"MainID": 17,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:01",
"Title": "Complete Backup of Hard Drive",
"Artist": "many",
"Category": "Software - Backup",
"Media Type": "Tape, Backup",
"Catalog Number": "tp-11",
"Media Date": "02/27/95 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 2,
"Value": 1000,
"Personal Rating": 10,
"Location": "Lower Middle Drawer",
"Times Borrowed": 1
"MainID": 18,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:01",
"Title": "CorelDRAW! 8",
"Artist": "Corel Corporation",
"Category": "Software - Program",
"Media Type": "CD-ROM",
"Catalog Number": "disk-125",
"Media Date": "01/01/98 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 4,
"Value": 595,
"Personal Rating": 10,
"Location": "disk drawer 4",
"Times Borrowed": 1,
"Notes": "What I used to make the logos on both the intro screen and the about screen. Great program! I highly recommend it."
"MainID": 19,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:01",
"Title": "Counterparts",
"Artist": "Rush",
"Category": "MUSIC - Rock",
"Media Type": "Audio CD",
"Catalog Number": "82528",
"Media Date": "01/01/93 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 14.91,
"Personal Rating": 9,
"Location": "cd shelf",
"Times Borrowed": 4,
"Notes": "Animate\r\nStick it out\r\nCut to the chase\r\nNobody's hero\r\nBetween sun & moon\r\nAlien Shore\r\nThe speed of love\r\nDouble agent\r\nLeave that thing alone\r\nCold fire\r\nEverday glory\r\n"
"MainID": 21,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:01",
"Title": "Descent",
"Artist": "Interplay",
"Category": "GAME - Combat",
"Media Type": "Diskette, 3.5",
"Catalog Number": "2355648",
"Media Date": "01/01/95 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 5,
"Value": 39.95,
"Personal Rating": 10,
"Location": "disk drawer 5",
"Times Borrowed": 0,
"Notes": "3D virtual game similar to Doom but better."
"MainID": 22,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:01",
"Title": "DOOM II",
"Artist": "id software",
"Category": "GAME - Combat",
"Media Type": "Diskette, 3.5",
"Catalog Number": "disk-65489",
"Media Date": "01/01/94 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 5,
"Value": 20,
"Personal Rating": 10,
"Location": "disk drawer 3",
"Times Borrowed": 0,
"Notes": "Big improvement on the original"
"MainID": 23,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:01",
"Title": "For unlawful carnal knowledge",
"Artist": "Van Halen",
"Category": "MUSIC - Rock",
"Media Type": "Audio CD",
"Catalog Number": "26594",
"Media Date": "01/01/91 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 10,
"Personal Rating": 10,
"Location": "cd shelf",
"Times Borrowed": 1,
"Notes": "Poundcake\r\nJudgement day\r\nSpanked\r\nRunaround\r\nPleasure dome\r\nIn 'n' out\r\nMan on a mission\r\nThe dream is over\r\nRight now\r\n316\r\nTop of the world\r\n\r\n*The title abreviates to a 4 letter word... :)"
"MainID": 24,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:01",
"Title": "Gold / Greatest Hits",
"Artist": "ABBA",
"Category": "MUSIC - Oldies",
"Media Type": "Audio CD",
"Catalog Number": "4584",
"Media Date": "01/01/92 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 12,
"Personal Rating": 10,
"Location": "cd shelf",
"Times Borrowed": 0,
"Notes": "If you like ABBA, see the movie \"Muriels Wedding\"\r\n\r\nSongs:\r\n\r\nDancing Queen\r\nKnowing Me, Knowing You\r\nTake a Chance on Me\r\nMamma Mia\r\nLay all your love on me\r\nSuper Trouper\r\nI have a dream\r\nThe winner takes it all\r\nMoney, money, money\r\nS.O.S.\r\nChiquitita\r\nFernando\r\nVoulez Vous\r\nGimme! Gimme! Gimme!\r\nDoes your mother know\r\nOne of us\r\nThe name of the game\r\nThank you for the music\r\nWaterloo\r\n"
"MainID": 25,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:01",
"Title": "Grace Under Pressure",
"Artist": "Rush",
"Category": "MUSIC - Rock",
"Media Type": "Audio CD",
"Catalog Number": "84762",
"Media Date": "01/01/84 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 10,
"Personal Rating": 9,
"Location": "cd shelf",
"On Loan To": "Harry Wanner",
"Loan Date": "11/22/98 21:49:57",
"Due Back Date": "11/28/98 00:00:00",
"Times Borrowed": 2,
"Notes": "distant early warning\r\nafterimage\r\nred sector a\r\nthe enemy within\r\nthe body electric\r\nkid gloves\r\nred lenses\r\nbetween the wheels\r\n"
"MainID": 26,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:01",
"Title": "Groliers MultiMedia Encyclopedia v6.0",
"Artist": "Grolier, Inc.",
"Category": "Software - Program",
"Media Type": "CD-ROM",
"Catalog Number": "83600",
"Media Date": "01/01/93 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 20,
"Personal Rating": 8,
"Location": "cd shelf",
"Times Borrowed": 2,
"Notes": "Pretty cool encyclopedia with lots of cool movies to watch. I like the space shuttle taking off."
"MainID": 27,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:01",
"Title": "Hiding Out",
"Artist": "Jon Cryer",
"Category": "GENERAL - Comedy",
"Media Type": "Video Tape",
"Catalog Number": "90042",
"Media Date": "01/01/87 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 10,
"Personal Rating": 7,
"Location": "book shelf",
"Times Borrowed": 0,
"Notes": "Mob wants stock broker dead, so he hides out as a high school student."
"MainID": 28,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:01",
"Title": "Hold your fire",
"Artist": "Rush",
"Category": "MUSIC - Rock",
"Media Type": "Audio CD",
"Catalog Number": "832464",
"Media Date": "01/01/87 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 9,
"Personal Rating": 10,
"Location": "cd shelf",
"Times Borrowed": 0,
"Notes": "Force Ten\r\nTime Stand Still\r\nOpen Secrets\r\nSecond Nature\r\nPrime Mover\r\nLock and Key\r\nMission\r\nTurn the page\r\nTai Shan\r\nHigh Water\r\n"
"MainID": 29,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:01",
"Title": "Inside Windows '95",
"Artist": "Adrian King",
"Category": "BOOK - Non Fiction",
"Media Type": "Book",
"Catalog Number": "book13243",
"Media Date": "01/01/94 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 39.95,
"Personal Rating": 10,
"Location": "computer room",
"Times Borrowed": 3,
"Notes": "Great book previewing the new Windows '95 which is to be released in the second quarter of 1995. I'm looking forward to it."
"MainID": 30,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:02",
"Title": "Interview with the vampire",
"Artist": "Anne Rice",
"Category": "BOOK - Fiction",
"Media Type": "Audio Tape",
"Catalog Number": "55617",
"Media Date": "01/01/76 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 5,
"Personal Rating": 1,
"Location": "book shelf",
"Times Borrowed": 0,
"Notes": "Book on audio tape. I haven't heard it yet but Kris likes it."
"MainID": 31,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:02",
"Title": "Lethal Weapon",
"Artist": "Mel Gibson / Danny Glover",
"Category": "GENERAL - Action/Adventure",
"Media Type": "Video Tape",
"Catalog Number": "17093",
"Media Date": "01/01/87 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 10,
"Industry Rating": "R",
"Personal Rating": 9,
"Location": "book shelf",
"Times Borrowed": 0,
"Notes": "Mel plays psycho cop in this action thriller. I personally liked the second one better."
"MainID": 32,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:02",
"Title": "Major League",
"Artist": "Tom Berenger / Charlie Sheen",
"Category": "GENERAL - Comedy",
"Media Type": "Video Tape",
"Catalog Number": "32270",
"Media Date": "01/01/90 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 10,
"Personal Rating": 8,
"Location": "book shelf",
"Times Borrowed": 0,
"Notes": "Comedy for baseball lovers"
"MainID": 33,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:02",
"Title": "Moving Pictures",
"Artist": "Rush",
"Category": "MUSIC - Rock",
"Media Type": "Audio CD",
"Catalog Number": "45987456",
"Media Date": "01/01/81 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 15,
"Personal Rating": 10,
"Location": "cd shelf",
"Times Borrowed": 0,
"Notes": "Tom Sawyer\r\nRed Barchetta\r\nYyz\r\nLimelight\r\nThe Camera Eye\r\nWitch Hunt\r\nVital Signs\r\n"
"MainID": 34,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:02",
"Title": "Multimedia Encyclopedia",
"Artist": "Software Toolworks",
"Category": "Software - Program",
"Media Type": "CD-ROM",
"Catalog Number": "cd-01",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 49.95,
"Personal Rating": 10,
"Location": "CD drawer",
"Times Borrowed": 0,
"Notes": "Cool reference guide with movies. Great search features too.\r\n\r\n"
"MainID": 35,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:02",
"Title": "Office 97 Pro",
"Artist": "Microsoft",
"Category": "Software - Program",
"Media Type": "CD-ROM",
"Catalog Number": "disk-124",
"Media Date": "01/01/97 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 0,
"Value": 200,
"Personal Rating": 10,
"Location": "computer room",
"Times Borrowed": 2,
"Notes": "We use Access, which is included in Office 97 pro for keeping track of all of our customers. Great Office Suite!"
"MainID": 36,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:02",
"Title": "Our Honeymoon",
"Artist": "Kris & Me",
"Category": "Inventory, Home",
"Media Type": "Photograph",
"Catalog Number": "pictpak02",
"Media Date": "08/23/94 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 36,
"Value": 10,
"Industry Rating": "XXX",
"Personal Rating": 10,
"Location": "living room shelf",
"Times Borrowed": 0,
"Notes": "Have to see for yourself...sorry\r\n\r\n*NEVER LOAN OUT!!!!!"
"MainID": 37,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:02",
"Title": "Our Wedding",
"Artist": "Kris & Me",
"Category": "Inventory, Home",
"Media Type": "Photograph",
"Catalog Number": "pictpak01",
"Media Date": "08/23/94 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 24,
"Value": 50,
"Industry Rating": "PG",
"Personal Rating": 10,
"Location": "living room shelf",
"Times Borrowed": 0,
"Notes": "The day I married the most wonderful girl in the world."
"MainID": 38,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:02",
"Title": "Out of this World",
"Artist": "Interplay",
"Category": "GAME - Combat / Adventure",
"Media Type": "Diskette, 3.5",
"Catalog Number": "disk-46541",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 20,
"Personal Rating": 10,
"Location": "disk drawer 4",
"Times Borrowed": 0,
"Notes": "One of the best games of its era\r\n\r\n\r\n"
"MainID": 39,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:02",
"Title": "Permanent Waves",
"Artist": "Rush",
"Category": "MUSIC - Rock",
"Media Type": "Audio CD",
"Catalog Number": "822548",
"Media Date": "01/01/80 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 9.99,
"Personal Rating": 10,
"Location": "cd shelf",
"Times Borrowed": 2,
"Notes": "Its a good idea to list the songs here so that you can later search for a particular song even if you can't remember the artist:\r\n\r\nSpirit of the radio\r\nFreewill\r\nJacob's Ladder\r\nEntre Nous\r\nDifferent Strings\r\nNatural Science\r\n"
"MainID": 40,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:02",
"Title": "Playboy",
"Artist": "The Girls / Hue Hefner",
"Category": "GENERAL - Adult (XXX)",
"Media Type": "Magazine/Periodical",
"Catalog Number": "h123",
"Media Date": "12/01/94 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 0,
"Value": 5,
"Industry Rating": "XXX",
"Personal Rating": 5,
"Location": "Bathroom",
"Times Borrowed": 4,
"Notes": "Nice Articles.........not"
"MainID": 41,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:02",
"Title": "Power Chess",
"Artist": "Sierra",
"Category": "GAME - Strategic",
"Media Type": "CD-ROM",
"Catalog Number": "831234330",
"Media Date": "01/01/97 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 2,
"Value": 20,
"Personal Rating": 10,
"Location": "CD Drawer",
"Times Borrowed": 0,
"Notes": "Cool Chess Game from Sierra\r\n"
"MainID": 42,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:02",
"Title": "Power Windows",
"Artist": "Rush",
"Category": "MUSIC - Rock",
"Media Type": "Audio CD",
"Catalog Number": "826098",
"Media Date": "01/01/85 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 9,
"Personal Rating": 10,
"Location": "cd shelf",
"Times Borrowed": 0,
"Notes": "The Big Money\r\nGrand Designs\r\nManhattan Project\r\nMarathon\r\nTerritories\r\nMiddletown Dreams\r\nEmotion Detector\r\nMystic Rhythms\r\n"
"Notes": "COOL GAME!!!! I'm highly addicted. Playing over the net is a blast!"
"MainID": 46,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:02",
"Title": "Return of the Jedi",
"Artist": "Mark Hamill / Harrison Ford / Carrie Fisher",
"Category": "GENERAL - Sci Fi",
"Media Type": "Video Tape",
"Catalog Number": "1478",
"Media Date": "01/01/86 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 10,
"Industry Rating": "PG",
"Personal Rating": 10,
"Location": "book shelf",
"Times Borrowed": 11,
"Notes": "Part 3 of the classic Star Wars trilogy"
"MainID": 47,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:02",
"Title": "Roll the bones",
"Artist": "Rush",
"Category": "MUSIC - Rock",
"Media Type": "Audio CD",
"Catalog Number": "82293",
"Media Date": "01/01/91 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 11,
"Personal Rating": 10,
"Location": "cd shelf",
"Times Borrowed": 0,
"Notes": "Dreamline\r\nBravado\r\nRoll the bones\r\nFace up\r\nWhere's my thing(compusound theme song)\r\nThe big wheel\r\nHeresy\r\nGhost of a chance\r\nNeurotica\r\nYou bet your life\r\n"
"MainID": 48,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:02",
"Title": "Romancing the stone",
"Artist": "Michael Douglas / Kathleen Turner / Danny Devito",
"Category": "GENERAL - Action/Adventure",
"Media Type": "Video Tape",
"Catalog Number": "21358",
"Media Date": "01/01/84 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 10,
"Personal Rating": 9,
"Location": "book shelf",
"Times Borrowed": 0,
"Notes": "Adventure / Comedy that takes place in South America. Funny."
"MainID": 49,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:02",
"Title": "Documents Backup",
"Artist": "Me",
"Category": "Software - Backup",
"Media Type": "Disk, ZIP",
"Catalog Number": "disk-01356",
"Media Date": "11/28/98 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 100,
"Personal Rating": 10,
"Location": "disk drawer 5",
"Times Borrowed": 0,
"Notes": "\r\n"
"MainID": 50,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:02",
"Title": "Signals",
"Artist": "Rush",
"Category": "MUSIC - Rock",
"Media Type": "Audio CD",
"Catalog Number": "00022",
"Media Date": "01/01/82 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 7,
"Personal Rating": 9,
"Location": "cd shelf",
"On Loan To": "Dave Stencil",
"Loan Date": "11/30/98 20:36:19",
"Due Back Date": "12/15/98 00:00:00",
"Times Borrowed": 1,
"Notes": "Subdivisions\r\nThe analog kid\r\nChemistry\r\nDigital man\r\nThe weapon\r\nNew world man\r\nLosing it\r\nCountdown"
"MainID": 51,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:02",
"Title": "Boston's Greatest Hits",
"Artist": "Boston",
"Category": "MUSIC - Rock",
"Media Type": "Audio CD",
"Catalog Number": "65498984",
"Media Date": "01/01/97 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 14.95,
"Personal Rating": 10,
"Location": "CD Shelf",
"Times Borrowed": 0,
"Notes": "Songs:\r\n\r\nTell Me\r\nHigher Power\r\nMore than a feeling\r\nPeace of mind\r\nDon't look back\r\nCool the engines\r\nLivin' for you\r\nFeelin' Satisfied\r\nParty\r\nForeplay/Longtime\r\nAmanda\r\nRock & Roll Band\r\nSmokin'\r\nA Man I'll Never Be\r\nThe Star Spangled Banner / 4th of July Reprise\r\nHigher power (Kalodner Edit)\r\n"
"MainID": 52,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:02",
"Title": "Some kind of wonderful",
"Artist": "Eric Stoltz / Mary Stuart Masterson / Lea Thompson",
"Category": "GENERAL - Drama/Love story",
"Media Type": "Video Tape",
"Catalog Number": "31979",
"Media Date": "01/01/87 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 10,
"Industry Rating": "PG-13",
"Personal Rating": 10,
"Location": "book shelf",
"Times Borrowed": 0,
"Notes": "Good teenage love story"
"MainID": 53,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:02",
"Title": "Sonic 2",
"Artist": "Sega",
"Category": "GAME - Shooting",
"Media Type": "Game Cartridge",
"Catalog Number": "12345",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 10,
"Personal Rating": 7,
"Location": "under TV",
"Times Borrowed": 2,
"Notes": "Don't have it. Just needed an example to replace mario bros\r\n\r\n\r\n"
"MainID": 54,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:02",
"Title": "Sonic the hedgehog",
"Artist": "Sega",
"Category": "GAME - Action",
"Media Type": "Game, Game Gear",
"Catalog Number": "gg-01",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 20,
"Personal Rating": 10,
"Location": "?",
"Times Borrowed": 2,
"Notes": "This is just another example. My baby brother got a game gear last christmas and loves it. Thats what made me think about it.\r\n\r\n"
"MainID": 55,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:02",
"Title": "The Baltimore Orioles",
"Artist": "Ted Patterson / foreword by Brooks Robinson",
"Category": "GENERAL - Memorabilia",
"Media Type": "Book, Hardcover",
"Catalog Number": "03695",
"Media Date": "01/01/94 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 20,
"Personal Rating": 10,
"Location": "book shelf",
"Times Borrowed": 0,
"Notes": "Picture of Bob Latshaw, Sr. on page 10"
"MainID": 56,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:02",
"Title": "The Cutting Edge",
"Artist": "D. B. Sweeney / Moira Kelly",
"Category": "GENERAL - Drama/Love story",
"Media Type": "Video Tape",
"Catalog Number": "62315",
"Media Date": "01/01/92 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 10,
"Industry Rating": "PG-13",
"Personal Rating": 8,
"Location": "book shelf",
"Times Borrowed": 0,
"Notes": "Hockey player turns into a figure skater. Kinda funny at times. Cute."
"MainID": 57,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:03",
"Title": "The Little Mermaid",
"Artist": "Walt Disney",
"Category": "GENERAL - Drama/Family",
"Media Type": "Video Tape",
"Catalog Number": "9130",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 10,
"Industry Rating": "G",
"Personal Rating": 10,
"Location": "book shelf",
"On Loan To": "Kayla Latshaw",
"Loan Date": "11/30/98 21:26:15",
"Due Back Date": "12/15/98 00:00:00",
"Times Borrowed": 2,
"Notes": "Great cartoon movie for children of all ages. Story of young love. Funny too.\r\n\r\n"
"MainID": 58,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:03",
"Title": "The neverending story",
"Artist": "Noah Hathaway / Barret Oliver",
"Category": "GENERAL - Drama/Family",
"Media Type": "Video Tape",
"Catalog Number": "13993",
"Media Date": "01/01/84 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 10,
"Industry Rating": "G",
"Personal Rating": 9,
"Location": "book shelf",
"On Loan To": "Kayla Latshaw",
"Loan Date": "11/30/98 21:26:15",
"Due Back Date": "12/15/98 00:00:00",
"Times Borrowed": 2,
"Notes": "Great Fairy tale for children of all ages"
"MainID": 59,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:03",
"Title": "The Princess Bride",
"Artist": "Cary Elwes / Mandy Patinkin / Christopher Guest",
"Category": "GENERAL - Comedy",
"Media Type": "Video Tape",
"Catalog Number": "57709",
"Media Date": "01/01/87 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 10,
"Industry Rating": "PG",
"Personal Rating": 9,
"Location": "book shelf",
"Times Borrowed": 1,
"Notes": "Very funny fairy tale/Comedy that takes place in merry old England."
"MainID": 60,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:03",
"Title": "The Terminator",
"Artist": "Arnold Schwarzenegger / Linda Hamilton",
"Category": "GENERAL - Action/Adventure",
"Media Type": "Video Tape",
"Catalog Number": "92535",
"Media Date": "01/01/84 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 10,
"Industry Rating": "R",
"Personal Rating": 10,
"Location": "book shelf",
"Times Borrowed": 0,
"Notes": "Good flick if you like action. Arnold plays a futuristic robot who come back in time to kill the mother of the rebelion leader.\r\n"
"MainID": 61,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:03",
"Title": "Tommy",
"Artist": "The who",
"Category": "MUSIC - Rock",
"Media Type": "Audio CD",
"Catalog Number": "263648",
"Media Date": "01/01/69 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 20,
"Personal Rating": 10,
"Location": "cd shelf",
"Times Borrowed": 1,
"Notes": "Overture\r\nit's a boy\r\nyou didn't hear it\r\namazing journey\r\nsparks\r\neyesight to the blind\r\nchristmas\r\ncousin kevin\r\nthe acid queen\r\nunderture\r\ndo you think it's alright\r\nfiddle about\r\npinball wizard\r\nthere's a doctor I've found\r\ngo to the mirror boy\r\ntommy can you hear me\r\nsmash the mirror\r\nsensation\r\nmiracle cure\r\nsally simpson\r\nI'm free\r\nwelcome\r\nTommy's holiday camp\r\nWe're not gonna take it\r\n"
"MainID": 62,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:03",
"Title": "Union",
"Artist": "Yes",
"Category": "MUSIC - Rock",
"Media Type": "Audio CD",
"Catalog Number": "18643",
"Media Date": "01/01/91 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 9,
"Personal Rating": 8,
"Location": "cd shelf",
"Times Borrowed": 0,
"Notes": "I would have waited forever\r\nShock to the system\r\nMasquerade\r\nLift me up\r\nWithout hope you cannot start the day\r\nSaving my heart\r\nMiracle of life\r\nSilent talking\r\nThe more we live - let go\r\nAngkor wat\r\nDangerous\r\nholding on\r\nevensong\r\nTake the water to the mountain\r\n"
"MainID": 63,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:03",
"Title": "Visual BASIC 5.0 Pro edition",
"Artist": "Microsoft",
"Category": "Software - Program",
"Media Type": "CD-ROM",
"Catalog Number": "disk-123",
"Media Date": "01/01/97 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 1195,
"Personal Rating": 10,
"Location": "computer room",
"Times Borrowed": 0,
"Notes": "What was used to create AML 7\r\n"
"MainID": 64,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:03",
"Title": "Visual BASIC Superbible",
"Artist": "Taylor Maxwell / Brian Scott",
"Category": "BOOK - Non Fiction",
"Media Type": "Book",
"Catalog Number": "739124",
"Media Date": "01/01/92 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 39.95,
"Personal Rating": 10,
"Location": "computer room",
"Times Borrowed": 0,
"Notes": "Excellent reference for Visual BASIC. I used it in designing the \"all media library\""
"MainID": 65,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:03",
"Title": "Walk On",
"Artist": "Boston",
"Category": "MUSIC - Rock",
"Media Type": "Audio CD",
"Catalog Number": "00881109732",
"Media Date": "01/01/94 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 12,
"Personal Rating": 9,
"Location": "Bob's car",
"Times Borrowed": 0,
"Notes": "Songs:\r\n\r\nI need your love\r\nSurrender to me\r\nLivin' for you\r\nWalkin' at night\r\nWalk on\r\nGet organized\r\nWalk on\r\nWhat's your name\r\nMagdalene\r\nWe can make it\r\n\r\n"
"MainID": 66,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:03",
"Title": "Wayne's World",
"Artist": "Mike Myers / Dana Carvey",
"Category": "GENERAL - Comedy",
"Media Type": "Video Tape",
"Catalog Number": "32706",
"Media Date": "01/01/92 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 10,
"Industry Rating": "PG-13",
"Personal Rating": 10,
"Location": "book shelf",
"Times Borrowed": 3,
"Notes": "Comedy about 2 crazy guys who's public access cable show gets exploited. Very funny!"
"MainID": 67,
"Insertion Date": "07/03/98 15:15:03",
"Title": "You might be a redneck if...",
"Artist": "Jeff Foxworthy",
"Category": "GENERAL - Comedy/Stand Up",
"Media Type": "Video Tape",
"Catalog Number": "foxworthy1",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 20,
"Personal Rating": 10,
"Location": "video shelf",
"Times Borrowed": 0,
"Notes": "This is not only one of the funniest guys since eddie murphy but he just seems genuine. My hats off to you Jeff.\r\n\r\n"
"MainID": 82,
"Insertion Date": "10/27/98 22:10:44",
"Title": "Quake II",
"Artist": "Id Software",
"Category": "GAME - Virtual Reality",
"Media Type": "CD-ROM",
"Catalog Number": "GAMECD-65498495",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 49.95,
"Personal Rating": 0,
"Location": "CD Drawer",
"Times Borrowed": 0,
"Notes": "My favorite game to date. Great graphics on my Riva 128!"
"MainID": 83,
"Insertion Date": "11/30/98 20:38:54",
"Title": "The Rainmaker",
"Artist": "John Grisham",
"Category": "BOOK - Fiction",
"Media Type": "Book",
"Catalog Number": "52595",
"Media Date": "05/01/95 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 25.95,
"Personal Rating": 10,
"Location": "Kris's Bookshelf",
"Times Borrowed": 0,
"Notes": "Rookie lawyer takes on a fradulent insurance company."
"MainID": 84,
"Insertion Date": "11/30/98 20:40:48",
"Title": "The Runaway Jury",
"Artist": "John Grisham",
"Category": "BOOK - Fiction",
"Media Type": "Book",
"Catalog Number": "654984",
"Media Date": "06/01/96 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 26.95,
"Personal Rating": 8,
"Location": "Kris's Bookshelf",
"Times Borrowed": 0,
"Notes": "Jury is manipulated to fix a verdict in a tobacco trial.\r\n"
"MainID": 85,
"Insertion Date": "11/30/98 20:42:25",
"Title": "Homeport",
"Artist": "Nora Roberts",
"Category": "BOOK - Fiction",
"Media Type": "Book",
"Catalog Number": "654984654",
"Media Date": "01/01/98 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 0,
"Personal Rating": 7,
"Location": "Kris's Bookshelf",
"Times Borrowed": 0,
"Notes": "Scientist is accused of forgin documents on a piece of artwork.\r\n"
"MainID": 86,
"Insertion Date": "11/30/98 20:46:35",
"Title": "Van Halen III",
"Artist": "Van Halen / Eddie Van Halen / Alex Van Halen / Gary Cherone / Michael Anthony",
"Category": "MUSIC - Rock",
"Media Type": "Audio CD",
"Catalog Number": "548484",
"Media Date": "01/01/98 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 20,
"Personal Rating": 9,
"Location": "CD shelf",
"On Loan To": "Dave Stencil",
"Loan Date": "11/30/98 21:25:34",
"Due Back Date": "12/15/98 00:00:00",
"Times Borrowed": 1,
"MainID": 87,
"Insertion Date": "11/30/98 20:51:44",
"Title": "Led Zeppelin",
"Artist": "Led Zeppelin",
"Category": "MUSIC - Rock",
"Media Type": "Audio CD",
"Catalog Number": "7567-82632-2",
"Media Date": "01/01/69 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 20,
"Personal Rating": 10,
"Location": "CD shelf",
"Times Borrowed": 0,
"Notes": "Songs:\r\n\r\nGood times bad times\r\nBabe I'm gonna leave you\r\nYou shook me\r\nDazed and confused\r\nYour time is gonna come\r\nBlack mountain side\r\nCommunication breakdown\r\nI can't quit you baby\r\nHow many more times\r\n"
"MainID": 88,
"Insertion Date": "11/30/98 21:02:57",
"Title": "The DOORS",
"Artist": "Oliver Stone / Val Kilmer / Meg Ryan",
"Category": "GENERAL - Musical",
"Media Type": "DVD",
"Catalog Number": "498498432",
"Media Date": "01/01/91 00:00:00",
"Pieces": 1,
"Value": 24.95,
"Industry Rating": "R",
"Personal Rating": 9,
"Location": "DVD Shelf",
"Times Borrowed": 0,
"Notes": "Great movie about the history of the DOORS."